Home SKIN CARE Top Effective Natural Beauty Tips From Kitchen

Top Effective Natural Beauty Tips From Kitchen

Effective-Indian-Skin-Care-Tips-From-Your-Kitchen arujogi
  1. Ghee:

Indian women have dull pouts, which are often prone to cracking and archers. Indian women also experience crackers high heel during the winter. You can use ghee to treat your stealthy lips and baked high heel. Such as:

a. For lips: With the onset of winter, start cracking your lips.

Solution: Clear butter or ghee This creamy pleasure helps to hydrate the lips like any other lip balm. Your lips also get a velvety smoothness and a luminous glow.

B. For high heels: Winter or very dry summers call in the problem of high heel.

Solution: Clear butter or ghee Rich with saturated fats, your high heel in ghee also has the natural ability to heal cracks quickly.

Recently, the study of the Society of Dermatology Skin Care Experts (SDSS) shows that 88% of women do not know the right products for their skin!
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Increase in skin obstruction damage
Skin leads to loss of glow
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2. Turmeric Powder:

Pure turmeric is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and unstable properties. And here’s a list of ways that you can keep these properties for good use for your skin.

Fight acne: It is widely used with turmeric to remove the chicken breakout. To solve the problem, mix this powder with lemon juice and remove your oil skin with a thin scrub.
Protects the face from the development of hair: South Indian women used to apply a good paste of turmeric powder mixed with water in earlier days. He did this daily while bathing to prevent facial hair growth.
Arm hair stops under Growth: This tip can give you complete relief from waxing your eggs. Regular application of turmeric or turmeric can prevent the development of your under hair. Apart from this, it can also help prevent infection and remove odor.
Fights with dark circles and wrinkles: Prepare a paste of turmeric powder mixed with butter and sugarcane juice. It helps to keep the dark circle and wrinkle away from being applied regularly under the eyes.


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