Home Software development ICAgile Certified Agile Team Facilitation ICP-ATF Course

ICAgile Certified Agile Team Facilitation ICP-ATF Course


ICE-AC distinguishes professionals who can facilitate, coach, mentor, and teach at a level that can unlock the potential of agile teams. Our training is designed by Certified Training from the Back of the Room Trainers using research-backed brain-based adult learning techniques. This two-day course is delivered by a highly qualified coach trainer with real-world experience of working in agile transformations and agile teams. To experience Agile transformation in the organization, Agile facilitation is very essential. However, the facilitator must implement the Agile facilitation in the right manner. Only the facilitator of the Agile team can fulfill the requirements of present Project Managers and other members of the team.

Agile team facilitation involves helping teams collaborate effectively, deliver value, and improve continuously. But how can you master this skill and become a confident and competent agile team facilitator? Are you looking to enhance your skills in facilitating collaboration, building self-organising teams, and creating trust and safety?


Developing your own style and identity as a facilitator is the fifth step to mastering agile team facilitation. Style and identity are what make you unique, and they include your personality, values, beliefs, passions, and aspirations. Having this will help you express yourself and connect with participants, find your voice and assert your authority, stand out from other facilitators, and grow and evolve as a facilitator. To do this, explore your facilitation personality and preferences with tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the StrengthsFinder.

agile team facilitation

This Agile Team Facilitator training class provides practical experience and updated toolkits to design online and in-person meetings that drive maximum impact towards successful team outcomes. Join us and discover how to foster a safe and engaging remote collaboration environment using effective tools anytime, anywhere. Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive the ICAgile-Certified Professional Agile Team Facilitator certification, taking you one step closer to mastering agile coaching with our Agile Team Coach Cohort Program (ICE-AC). The fourth step to master agile team facilitation is to reflect and improve on your facilitation practice. Reflection and improvement enable you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, learn from successes and failures, enhance skills, expand knowledge, and adapt to changing situations.

Agile Certifications

Relevant roles include Agile Coaches and aspiring coaches, Scrum Masters, Agile Project Managers, Product Owners, Business Analysts, and anyone with the desire to explore the power of facilitation. The thoughtful design and competent facilitation of the virtual classes enable us to work with global participants to co-create a robust learning process that will stand the test of time. Join TeamCatapult for a journey of personal growth and skill development towards coaching agile teams. In this 8-month program, you will gain clarity, growth, and proficiency and increase the demand for your services. You will join a group of like-minded peers who will walk with you on your journey to coaching competency, supporting you, and holding you accountable to your own growth. Facilitating typical Agile framework meetings is a requirement for the Agile Team Facilitator.

The Agile Team Facilitation Certificate issued by ICAgile after this certification program has lifetime validity. Such as powerful questions, active listening, creating coaching alliances and contract, and how to give and receive feedback in an intelligent and constructive way. The ICP-ATF training is open to all those who want to become more competent in the field of Agile coaching, but does not require any prerequisites.

Krishna is an amazing trainer

It is up to you how you use these valuable moments with your coach. To ensure high quality training for our students, we decided to limit our online Agile Team Facilitation certification classes to 15 participants. To get the most out of this course, you will need to have completed formal agile training such as our Agile Fundamentals course and have at least 12 months’ experience working in an agile team.

agile team facilitation

This Agile Team Facilitation course focuses not only on skills and techniques but also on the mindset of the facilitator towards becoming an Agile Coach. It includes group facilitation tools and techniques to effectively design meetings and workshops that engage and drive toward agreed-upon outcomes. In this class, you will develop an appreciation for the art of facilitation as key to fostering collaboration and enabling self-organizing teams. To become a master of agile team facilitation, one must first understand the basics of agile and facilitation. There are many ways to learn the basics of agile and facilitation, such as reading books, blogs, podcasts, or taking online courses. Agile team facilitation is a key skill for anyone who works with agile teams, whether as a scrum master, a product owner, a coach, or a leader.

What is an Agile Team Facilitator?

A lot of attention is given to the exchange of experiences and, above all, to the skills required to become a masterful facilitator in the Agile world. Between training days you will receive peer assignments and study material which will be discussed in the class. Becoming an Agile Team Facilitator requires a certain mindset to lead and serve the team. Learn the mindset required for the Agile Team Facilitator and gain an understanding of the paradigm shift that must occur to be successful in this collaborative environment.

  • If this is your first class with an ICAgile Member Organization, you’ll receive an email with a link to create your ICAgile.com profile
    within ten business days of completing your class.
  • The second step to master agile team facilitation is to practice as much as you can in real or simulated situations.
  • Facilitation is a cornerstone skill for successfully leading agile teams.
  • Additionally, you can keep a facilitation journal or log where you record your observations, insights, and learnings.
  • A facilitator with a high-level of understanding of the subject matter makes the Agile facilitator much more effective and trustworthy for the participants.
  • And experiment with different facilitation approaches, techniques, or formats that suit you and your context.

Besides, it lets you generate faster outcomes by building a bridge to fill the current gaps. Quick facilitation leads to stronger bridges and opens a lot of opportunities within the organization. Discussed various topics ranging from professional coaching skills / models, understand change management, conflict facilitation and handling organisational impediments.


It is better to pursue Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) certification to become an Agile facilitator of a particular company. An Agile facilitator is the one who has the right to conduct a meeting and even participates in the discussions to encourage the conditions of effective group processes to meet the goals of the organization. Let us check out the other facts of Agile facilitation in detail below.

agile team facilitation

Learn the paradigm shifts necessary to enable organizational agility in today’s innovative business climate. This starting point is for professionals outside of the software delivery space (e.g., HR, Finance, Marketing). You’ll have several opportunities to practice the skills and receive feedback throughout the workshop, and you’ll observe as an active participant in others’ facilitated sessions as well. For the success of any organization, agile team facilitation there should be an involvement of the people and good facilitation can win the minds and hearts of the people. Different kinds of people work in an organization with different views but better facilitation can encourage the people to think differently regarding the topics of Agile transformation. Moreover, it helps to push those obstructions out of the way and clear the path to make Agile-based transformations in the enterprises.

Learn more >

The entire session was packed with valuable information and practical steps on the use of techniques and strategies for effective Agile coaching. I really appreciate the authenticity and the safe space you created. The role plays and collaboration using multiple break out rooms taught us many real-life scenarios.


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